The importance of domain and hosting
The importance of domain and hosting
1) Domain
2) Hosting or server
3) The files on the site
People often get confused because they do not know the real meaning of the domain. We can say that the domain is very similar to a telephone number. Computers use numbers called IP addresses to communicate with each other, and the source we use to communicate with phone is called a number. When you want to invite someone to a party or some kind of event, you will try to find their number, or simply enter a number, just like when the computer is trying to establish a connection with site, for example: whose number is kkk.kkk.kkk.kkk. Without the domain you would have to tell your customers, "Hey, my site is on 123.456.789.123 instead of This is the simplest explanation so that you understand how important domain names are for every website.
Web Hosting is actually the space you can rent for your website. So yes, web hosting is just space, and nothing else, it will be empty until you start putting files for your website. There are so many companies that offer one click installation, which means that after you purchasing or rent a hosting space you will also have the option of one-click installation of some of the most popular CMS systems. So, all you will need is to purchase a basic version that will facilitate the process from the very start, especially if you are new at this. Without hosting your domain will be like a deactivated phone number, which means that you would not have a place to store the date of your website.
Website files are actually all the things and articles that visitors will be able to see on your website. These are quite ordinary things such as jpg files, MP3 files, etc. Among these files, there are also .php scripts and .html pages. Your host automatically knows how to read these files and they determine the design and the function of your website.
So, when a visitor opens your website, and enter the domain, they will be redirected to to your IP address of the server (host), which then reads the files of your website that your browsers see as a typical web page. As you can see, without a domain and hosting the website cannot function properly.
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